In the biggest update to WordPress in years, WordPress 5.0 introduced new block editor called the Gutenberg WordPress Editor.. then you need to pay for hosting ( WordPress com offers free hosted WordPress sites WordPress org allows you to download the software and install it on your own host. You download the software and install it on your own host. You own the space, you own URL, you own software. Nobody can pull it out from under you or change the rules. Letting someone else own your site is not risk you should take. You need to own your base of operations online. Have all the outposts you want on other people's sites, except you need home base and you need to own it. That's why major organizations have turned to WordPress like CNN, Pepsi, Ford, American Red Cross, The New York Times, and more.. There are simple plugins that will show quotes in your sidebar or show list of your most popular posts, and crazy complicated plugins that will turn your site into e-commerce shop or your own private social network.. Standards compliant This might be head-scratcher for many folks, and it's important WordPress is with WC3, The World Wide Web Consortium, and GDPR, General Data Protection Regulation. But thanks to community and open-source development, WordPress continues to be choice for variety of websites because of its ease of use, flexibility, and continued development.. SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the process of improving your content order for Google and search engines alike to find and index your site. Just check out these WordPress SEO tips to make your presence known to Google and other search engines, and to amp up your SEO and boost your ranking in search engines.
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