you need to achieve production pace, and spending lot of time trying to configure layout is going to make it very difficult to meet deadlines.. While it's common for CMS to provide various themes and templates, WordPress has assortment that leads the industry, given that it's platform to begin with. With speed being you need to ensure that your web host can performance, and WordPress is the platform for finding such host. The location of your operation might not matter too much these days, except the location of your host does — the nearer it's to your audience, the better the performance will be.. The advantage of working with such host is that their in-depth understanding of how WordPress works will equip them to give you advice about how to configure your site. As Matt Mullenweg, the Founding Developer of WordPress, said on SEO Stephan Spencer's Marketing Speak podcast, the goal is to democratize publishing... Being found in the search rankings is hard on desktop, and harder on mobile — there's less screen real-estate to appear in, and Google more fills SERPs with its own featured content, leaving room for organic results overall.. Boasting library of plugins, many of which are completely free to use, WordPress has everything you need to quickly tick SEO boxes... Long regarded it provides lot of functionality at zero cost, then offers even more for payment. Mobile content is all about optimization, making it and WordPress provides level of overall polish that even top-end hosted platforms struggle to compete with..
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