WordPress 4.9 was scheduled to release on November 14th, 2017.
due to some issues with shortcodes within widgets and changes to Editor during the preparation, the release date has been delayed by one day..
It does not serve anybody well to delay things this late in the day, except it's essential to ensure the late fixes.
final build is now available for testing.
It includes three commits #42548, #42530, and #42545.
So, strongly that you take look through and test them, and so do we..
So, then, now is the time to do so..
You can also check out our blog posts on WordPress Beta, Beta, Beta, Beta, RC1, RC2, and RC3..
you can post it to Alpha Beta in Support Forums.
you can file one on WordPress Trac, where you'll also be able to find list of known bugs..
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