That is to say that are you able to gain valuable insights into your own projects, and you can see how WordPress core works, too... you can see just how much debugging offers.. In the next post, we're going to look at more advanced things we can do such as stepping into functions, stepping out of functions, and stepping over functions... We're still not at point except we're going to see how we can use the debugger to step into certain functions, step over certain functions, and step out of certain functions... Before sharing the screencast, I want to define what it means to step around the in project. This is bit of lengthy post and I tried to make sure all of the explanations were made before viewing the screencast. After all, it's much easier to read paragraphs of text about content and then seeing it play out in video rather than having video, is not it.. Specifically, we're going to look at how to inspect variable values, review what array contains, and then how we can modify variables on the fly.. It's powerful stuff, and make sure you've reviewed the first bit of content, reviewed this post, and do bit of practice before moving forward.. Previous Post How to Set Goal, Part We're Writing Code...
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