Display the events created using your Apple device on your website effortlessly using iCal Integration for WordPress Event Calendar. The add-on allows to display the events from iCloud calendar, and import those events into Event Calendar. You can select the events you want to add to the calendar from the available list.. The imported events will inherit their descriptions, details, location and even the settings, e.g the recurring events will remain recurring and be displayed based on the original pace. The add-on requires Pro of Event Calendar WD. Go to Plugins>Add New>Select the folder and press Install button and activate the add-on.. To display the events from Apple Calendar you should first fill in the details within Event Calendar WD Calendars>Settings> iCal Setting section.. Ical Events update every Set the time for the list of Apple Calendar events. Here you can select the events you want to import, set category, the calendar, check the events and press. the events which have already been added to the Calendar will be highlighted.
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