By making sensible choices on behalf the user and reducing confusion and clutter, Decisions not Options.. In the context of deploying WordPress application, options reign supreme.. Your team is not the user that needs to be protected from choices, your engineering team is skilled group of professionals that understand the ramifications of the technical choices they make. So why then would your WordPress host mandate the way you deploy forcing you to do it their way. More staging site should be area to test ideas and changes, verify performance, and determine whether all or some or none of your changes should be pushed into production. Follow it all up with WP CLI commands to refine your WP instance to your exact specifications. I work on the interwebs and am CEO and co-founder of Pagely the Managed WordPress Hosting company. However it would be nice for non developer site owners just wanting to test out new plugin to have one click copy site to staging button just for speed and convenience.. And leave the power for when we have to call in the developers to make more major site changes.. This is the only thing I want added to Atomic Panel that I can think of at the moment..
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