Instagram feeds are designed to be displayed on your website, and come responsive for better user experience when using mobile devices and tables... Instagram Feed WD uses clean coding and SEO techniques necessary to keep your pages and posts SEO-optimized... 4 Fully Customizable Layouts. There are four layout options for Instagram feeds Thumbnails, Image Browser, Blog Style and Masonry. sers can choose the number of the displayed images, layout columns, order and etc... Upon clicking on image thumbnails elegant lightbox will be opened, read image comments, captions, view metadata navigate between images. If the feed contains video, the video will be played within the lightbox as HTML5 video... For each layout you can display the number of comments and likes, and all the comments and media captions. When hitting image thumbnails you can either redirect the user to Instagram or open up the in lightbox. You can download Instagram images straight from the lightbox or you can share them it to different media websites ... o main shortcode you can also use custom PHP function, e.g for displaying the in header...
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