The requirements for transferring your blog are FTP to existing site, phpMyAdmin access to the database of that same website, and webhosting package from provider.
all other WordPress files will be saved choose the correct website from the folder structure and copy the data to your hard drive.
As IONOS customer, just open Control Center in MySQL area and create database there.
FileZilla or similar program enables you to upload copy of all WordPress files and folders into the directory of the new server...
For phpMyAdmin it's important to click the in the sidebar, otherwise the database wo not be selected and the import will fail.
Enter only FTP details of the server moving with WordPress is made very easy thanks to the plugin...
UpdraftPlus enables you to save your backup to different cloud servers you will find the plugin under 'Settings in the dashboard of your WordPress installation.
In UpdraftPlus, specify Amazon S3, Drive, or even e-mail Once you have configured all the settings, the backup can be set up with single click.
To install it on server, you switch back to the view of the in the newly created WordPress and select the appropriate files that need restoring...
With WordPress backup plugin, you can manage how your data is backed up in the popular content management system to counteract data loss in the long run.
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