There is much confusion on the part of new WordPress users about the difference between post and page. That's why posts are dated and listed in reverse order, so they are timely and follow the progression of your creative and productive thinking. Thus the blog is log of one's thoughts and ideas posted into World Wide Web. The goal of blog is to invite conversation, be though provoking, incite emotion, spur debate all of. Usually the better you are at developing and posting content that invites response the more your blog will be. By the ability to communicate your posts through, This success can be aided RSS feeds so the reader can subscribe and email updates whenever new post is updated. Pages are meant to provide info about your blog much the way table of contents serves as reference for the reader of book. My guess is that the reason you reading this article at all is because you are knew to WordPress and the in general and even if you are not refresher ca not hurt. By entrancing posts can hold them prisoner with mesmerizing intensity, combination of eye catching and mind bending pages can draw the attention of reader while the content provided. blog with catchy, witty, and collection of pages can attract reader and then entertain them with the content made up of posts that are pleasurable to read.
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