Photo Gallery Facebook is add-on, and include Facebook profile page albums within mixed type PG galleries.. The add-on also changes embedding capabilities of PG plugin you would be able to embed individual Facebook page profile videos and photos addition to existing YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, Flickr or Dailymotion options of Photo Gallery Pro plugin. . In order to activate the add-on to work, you should create Facebook Facebook Developers website and gain Facebook App ID and Secret Keys. Clicking Continue button implies that you agree to Facebook Platform Policies. Provide the Facebook URL either of the Facebook profile or Facebook page.. Choose whether to autoupdate the gallery when new images are added to the Facebook album or not.. For reordering images you can either Drag and Drop images or set the ordering preferences entering numbers next to the images and videos. To enable the option you should press show column. Embedding individual Facebook images and videos Go to existing gallery and pres Embed Media button. When adding images use URL example https www facebook com WebDorado photos a.447173452000073.123453.436551809728904 904780776239336 type=1&theater. Embedding Facebook albums into Mixed galleries To add Facebook albums to mixed type galleries, go to the gallery page and press Bulk Embed button. After that select Facebook, provide the Facebook URL- either of the Facebook personal profile or public page.
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