While there is nothing wrong with hosting and managing WordPress yourself, or you want to make sure to meet most of the WordPress security basics without doing lot of heavy lifting, you may want to opt for managed WordPress hosting provider such as Kinsta or WP Engine..
While WordPress does not have any way to set policy out of the box, plugin such as Melapress Login Security is absolute must to enforce password strength requirements across all of your users.
Two-factor authentication makes it significantly harder for attacker to gain access to your WordPress dashboard should they manage to uncover password ..
While you may configure your server to block access to xmlrpc php, method of doing this is to explicitly XML-RPC using built-in WordPress filter.
In the vein as XML-RPC, WordPress API is the modern way for third-party applications to communicate with WordPress.
To disable the theme and plugin modifications in the WordPress dashboard, add the following to your wp-config php file. define.
HTTP requests and responses are encrypted using ssl certificate and cannot be intercepted and snooped upon, or worse, modified by attacker..
While TLS has more to do with your server or Content Delivery Network one of the important aspects of TLS is enforcing it.
you can use Really Simple SSL or WP force SSL.
Restrict WordPress REST API to my must use plugin, I get error for the following line return new WP Error ).
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