WordPress Security with Confidence exists to solve this problem deeply understand WordPress security, and correct common problems that make sites insecure.. working on WordPress websites, at my web agency Press Up Inc, I'm experienced dealing with WordPress security issues at all scales.. I went from knowing lot about different areas of WordPress security to having comprehensive understanding of how to implement security across WordPress ecosystem for any website.. For the cost of one year of WordPress security plugin, WordPress Security With Confidence gives you all the knowledge you need to confidently deal with security, forever. Watch video interviews with leading WordPress security experts, including the lead of WordPress Security Team Aaron Campbell, Sucuri CEO Tony Perez, and author of iThemes Security Chris Wiegman.. Each one is packed with security insights and you can hear how the very best people in the business think and deal with WordPress security and then learn how to apply their practices for yourself.. With over 17 modules and 90+ individual videos, you'll learn how to think about WordPress security, how to secure WordPress, and how to secure and audit code .. Comparison of WordFence, Sucuri, SiteLock, iThemes, SecuPress, All One Security, and many more. You can access the course on any device with browser, anywhere you have tablet, or mobile, you can get the learning style. I'm co-founder of web consultancy Press Up, co-author of WPShout, and co-author of the critically acclaimed WordPress development course Up and Running.
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