WorldTides info is the supplier of tide predictions for worldwide via API.. You can API Key from worldtides info and get one month for free to try this widget out.. The cost of credits are reduced the more you use.. WorldTides Widget Features * Automatically finds the closest tide station from longitude you enter. * Allows you to specify the timezone for the graph. Usually you should choose the timezone of the station. * Daylight Saving Time is honored on the graph. * AM PM and 24-hour time mode * Three Graph heights available or you can turn it off. * Choose between 1 and 7 days of low tide predictions. * Turn on off the grid for the graph. * Set color. They show 1 to 5 lines based on the height of the 1 to Day predictions. You can choose between 1 and 7 days for the prediction. You can also use shortcode to place the in article.. The only place you cannot get prediction is over land or along rivers that are too far from the coast.. Tags tides, tides widget, tides plugin, tide predictions, tide forcast, ocean tide, surf report, costal tides...
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