Chat Button is the key of today's makreting, because satisfaction matters, WP Chat Button & Messenger comes with more then 12 chatting & customer support tools. It comes with 12 messenger tools for chatting including WhatsApp Chat, Facebook Messenger, Viber Chat, Wechat, Line Messenger, Vkontakte, Skype, Snapchat, and Telegram. It comes with advance User Interface which is mobile responsive and it comes with advance admin panel and stylish builder where you can add your desired messenger contact tools.. Here are lot's of plugins to add customer support or chat system, but this plugin gives you interective ui and if there is messenger why you choose software plugin. Helps your customer to chat via whatsapp, facebook messenger, viber, skype, line, wechat, telegram, snapchat, vkontakte.. Here you will demo and now click to desire tool icon to edit that specific tool details.. Click to Remove button to remove tool from queue or click to add button to continue leave it as it's .. Get Now button and you will be redirected to QuixTool Builder, follow the steps there can get BASE ID & License Key. Click to save change, and for specifc page you need to pase shortcode in desire page, else it will show in bottom of your website... Interested in development.., check out SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS...
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