The reading progress bar is user experience on longreads. Especially if it depicts the reading progress in the text, and nothing else. Customization location top of screen, bottom of screen or below sticky menu. choose your color of the reading progress bar. possibility to use the whole page, not only the article, on blog posts. select other post types you wish the bar to appear. activate reading progress for archive pages ... The reading progress bar has smooth initializing since part of the text may already be visible, after that lightweight update-function ensures quick response while scrolling.. When the menu disappears due to media query, the bar automatically defaults to displaying at the top of the screen.. Feel free to fork it on Github as well, if you want to play with the code. Example of the reading progress bar on my photography blog... I had seen so any plugins that offer this function but, many of them are not kept updated to be both flexible and support higher versions of PHP. Interested in development.., check out SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS... Changelog 0.0.4 ~ 0.0.6 fixed bugs safari progress bar would lag or not be visible on iPads 0.0.3 improved initializing cross browser 0.0.2 smoother initializing, added customizing of location, color and post types archive 0.0.1 reading progress bar works on blog post, no customizing is possible...
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