Description. wp-greet is plugin for the known WordPress blogging system. giving your users the power to send greeting cards from your blog.. Please be sure to remove the version of nggfunctions. php which was required to bundle wp-greet with NextGenGallery to version 1.1 update to v1.7 and high. IMPORTANT Please be sure to deactivate and activate the plugin time because the directory updates will only be arrested during plugin terms from v1.1 on. 1. Enter the page post number at the wp-greet admin dialog into Form-Post Page and switch to gallery plugin. Visit the configuration page Options -> wp-greet to configure the plugin do not forget to add the categories page id.. If this seems to hard try using the interface to WordPress gallery to embed your greetingcard pictures... I looks many years to find good plug-in for page and this one is really great. Hans has important customer service wedding and power in programming. Buy this plugin or donate to his other plugins you won't regret it..
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