Yoast SEO plugin founder, Joost de Valk, published critical of the WordPress interface, saying that it makes it harder to use and may be reason that contributes to WordPress losing market share to companies like Wix and Shopify..
Even the developer of WordPress, Matt Mullenweg, said that designing Wix is faster than doing the same thing WordPress..
But the authors of PC Magazine overview also acknowledged the learning curve to using WordPress.. people.
The response to Joost's article was positive, with many from the WordPress community thanking Joost for calling attention to the topic. @learnwithmattc tweeted..
Especially with the advent of FSE where the internal menus are different from those of the normal dashboard... @mnowak eth tweeted agreement with the opinions about the state of the WordPress admin UI...
With SaaS movement constantly educating Internet society on good and UX and ergonomics, wp panel was overlooked...
Please stop plugins implementing their UI systems, update the wordpress admin UI and standerdize everything, let's get modern... @bitartem called attention to the value of having design system in place so that the WordPress ecosystem can know ahead of time what to expect...
Another problem is that WordPress is in phase, I mean Block Editor, and Full Site Editing, and new features are added almost every day, we need to know what WordPress will become in near future...
It's hard to escape the conclusion that WordPress is in trouble when the person.
Joost's article focuses on the outdated state of the WordPress admin interface and calls attention to the need for coherent design statement that plugin and theme developers could adopt order to create easier to use end product...
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