By understanding how your targeted customers use your website, In this article, we're going to help you understand how to use GA for your B2B business, and how you can develop the tactics that will increase your conversion rates only.. It's tool that is easy to use even on the go, with app that is available both on iOS and Android and the implementation and the tracking code is effortless, especially if you use WordPress as your CMS... you must use Google Analytics to define goals and estimate their progress.. Google Tag Manager is program that you can use to deploy tags to your website, such Google Analytics Event Code, tag for remarketing, for Adwords conversion, and so on.. To add the code to your WordPress website header section, at the end of the video from WPBeginner.. To see you need to enter ' Preview Mode In your GTM account admin, at the top-right, click on ' Preview.. Now, you need to access the page where the contact form is, and you'll see debug console that wo not be visible to the users. And when you click on the ad, as you can see, UTMs are inserted in URL.. you do not have to think about the syntax and the order. This is why GA is that powerful as tool, you can use it to gauge whether your marketing tactics are worth the effort and whether your goals are aligned with KPIs that you've defined in the first place.
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