Custom Post Type Date Archives — WordPress Plugins Add Date archives to custom post types center in the roof itself. in the past
Setka Workflow — manage the editorial process, track content production — WordPress Plugins Create and edit posts for service created in Setka Workflow in WordPress.. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
Quotmarks Replacer — WordPress Plugins Browse the code check out the SVN repository or subscribe to the development log by RSS.... in the past
tp woocommerce product gallery – wordpress plugin Get beautiful and better gallery to your store, 100% Responsive, add slider to your Thumbnails images, 3 types of ZOOM system and much more.. in the past
Ultimate Image Hover Effects Ultimate Image Hover Effects WordPress Plugin is impressive powerfull modern, yet stylish hover effects for image captions.. in the past
AdSense Plugin WP QUADS This free Google AdSense advanced inserting plugin is improvement of the successfull but discontinued plugin Quick AdSense. in the past
Simplicy SEO — WordPress Plugins Simplicy SEO will allow you to optimize SEO for WordPress plugin itself supports the following tags. in the past
spoiler alert – wordpress plugin Seriously, let's try to clean up the internet and make it better place.. in the past
Courier Address This is Courier Address field management plugin with special extensions for Courier delivery charging. in the past
Gallery Photo Video — WordPress Plugins Although the plugin seems to also being developed the number to parts of the plugin that did not work well for me has been great.. in the past
How to Change Title Attribute to be different from Page title My Wordpress Site home page is page titled. in the past
Gravity Forms ExactTarget Add-on — WordPress Plugins This plugin requires Gravity Forms plugin. in the past
design patterns for wordpress And it's very likely that you'll begin to recognize two things these things can be done in way that's fast to develop, and harder to maintain or in way that's slower to develop, and easier to maintain... 2019-03-26 16:19:00
Local seo service – Tag – SEO Disscussion If you manage a local business website then you likely have a series of pages for your targeted locations. 2016-03-13 10:05:22
Google Ad Grants Management If you've locate this page you probably have memorizeed that Google offers Google Grants to Non-Profits. in the past
top 8 translation plugins for wordpress multilingual sites That's why today, we're going to be looking at the top plugin solutions for WordPress multilingual sites, to help you display your site's content in your target audience's language.. 2020-01-15 03:00:00
25 Marvelous WordPress Photography Blog Themes For Hobby and Professional Photographers 2018 Soledad is visually stunning and expansive, graphically polished and attractive, highly technologically articulate and meticulously designed, well structured and very flexible, feature-rich and easily customizable WordPress and theme. 2018-05-27 23:32:36
Export WordPress data to XML/CSV — WordPress Plugins Choose which data to smuggle WP All Export's drag and drop interface makes not hard to select exactly. in the past
water delivery wordpress theme #71627 Bonus year of hosting is included for free... + Ready-to-Use Website Premium Service is the part of the loyalty program... in the past
CIO Custom Fields for Woo — WordPress Plugins You run page using WooCommerce you or your users heart to amass and display information to provide good good service to customers... in the past
resize wp_mail attachments – wordpress plugin For usability, it's best not to ask your visitors to do their own image resizing. in the past
SagePay Direct Gateway for Easy Digital Downloads SagePay Direct integration is solution, giving you complete control over the way you process card payments.. in the past
Poros Slider After you've specified what images and caption you want in your slideshow and how you want it displayed, just add to any page post and it will be displayed there.. in the past
Product Catalog TC Product Catalog helps to present your company products in your WordPress Website.. in the past
WordPress Performance and Page Speed Optimization Analysis Service Our premium service to analyze your WordPress site and help you make it work faster contains the following actions. 2018-06-06 14:26:06
free cosmetics store woocommerce theme Zigcy Cosmetics is free, flexible, modern and WooCommerce theme designed for creating great cosmetics and beauty stores online. 2020-03-08 16:19:00
CityTours v2.5.2 . CityTours Hotel & Tour Booking Wordpress Theme is one of the hotel & tour booking topic in the world. in the past
WooCommerce P.IVA e Codice Fiscale per Italia — WordPress Plugins Il plugin WooCommerce P.Iva e Codice Fiscale per Italia permette di rendere WooCommerce adatto al mercato italiano grazie all'inserimento del codice fiscale e della partita IVA del cliente.. in the past
arengu forms Arengu helps you collecting data with smarter forms and automating your business with powerful and flexible workflows. in the past
theme development Initially I was using active callback to make my Customizer controls in nature, and was satisfied with the I had with it. in the past
Quote calculation Sytem — WordPress Plugins Firstly use in post page where you want to get form in frontend.. in the past
Should You Choose a New Domain Extension for Your Website? Domain extensions or TLDs are the last part of domain name. 2018-08-06 07:42:47
reviews from google – wordpress plugin This plugin can be used to display your Google Reviews, from your Google My Business Page using shortcode on any page, or in your sidebar using widget. in the past
19 best cars magazine wordpress themes 2019 it's definitely worth to pick WordPress themes. 2019-03-13 23:56:51
smart geo gmap – wordpress plugin Smart GEO GMap is WordPress plugin that provides easy way to integrate Google Map over WordPress Page Post using Shortcode. in the past
Who Stole the Text Justify Button ?! — WordPress Plugins Description. WordPress 4.7 removed the text justify button from TinyMCE buttons. in the past
Mailster for WooCommerce Add your WooCommerce customers to your Mailster subscriber lists. in the past
Googlyzer Googlyzer adds administrative dashboard to WordPress with microcharts for tracking website data from Google Analytics, allowing WordPress administrators to view Google Analytics data for their website without leaving their WordPress Admin console.. in the past
Function Tweaker — WordPress Plugins My installation consists of blog difference folder containing all the power that I want to keep intact acrross WP versions and it contains wp-content as well. in the past