wordpress 6.3.2 – maintenance and security release – wordpress news This security and maintenance release features 19 bug fixes on Core, 22 bug fixes for Block Editor, and security fixes.. 2023-10-12 20:44:34
wordpress 6.2.2 security release – wordpress news WordPress 6.2.2 is rapid response release to address in 6.2.1 and further patch vulnerability addressed in 6.2.1. 2023-05-20 04:09:39
wordpress punts locally hosted fonts for legacy default themes to 6.2 release – wp tavern In June 2022, WordPress Themes Team began urging theme authors to switch to hosted webfonts, following German court case, which fined owner for violating GDPR by using Google-hosted webfonts. 2022-09-28 18:31:31