A5 Recent Post Widget — WordPress Plugins Decide whether the links go to the post to the attachment page or only to file. in the past
EU Cookie Consent — WordPress Plugins Allows you to meet the not maximum compliance rules for EU legislation established in 2011 with sacrificing functionality.. in the past
2Checkout Dynamic Payment Gateway for WooCommerce — WordPress Plugins Themejung 2Checkout Dynamic Payment Gateway support receiving marketing Paypal and 8 card types from 2CO store page hosted at 2checkout page. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
Yoast Comment Hacks — WordPress Plugins input field on the comment edit screen to shift the ID.. in the past
Learning Registry Display Widget — WordPress Plugins This plugin was developed for the registry http www. learningregistry. org and will work on any learning registry node.. in the past
List category posts — WordPress Plugins The shortcode accepts books like or id the order in which you want the posts to display and the number of posts to display. in the past
1Pass — WordPress Plugins You receive 70% of gross sales revenues PayPal.. 1Pass retains 30% of gross sales revenues out of. in the past
Orders to Route4Me for WooCommerce — WordPress Plugins Orders to Route4Me for WooCommerce helps you to send WooCommerce orders to Route4Me for year order to route integration. in the past
Zembula Snippets — WordPress Plugins Zembula Snippets plugin adds snippet of code to the header of all pages on website so that Zembula records can well be inline integrated or added as overlay.. in the past
Ve for WooCommerce — WordPress Plugins Ve is online shop executive help prompts and suggestions that help your customers from the checkout process and increase page sales.. in the past
WPi Custom Logout – Redirect to home page on Logout This Plugin is used to Redirect page to Home on Logout.. in the past
Styles — WordPress Plugins Paid Support Services allow us to extend the plugin adding application for topic or page features according to your requests... in the past
Very Simple Breadcrumb — WordPress Plugins Call the part in single. php file and others files where you want to display the breadcrumbs on your WordPress site.. in the past
Client Portal – Private user pages and login — WordPress Plugins The content for that page is hard on the frontend only by the owner of the page. after he has logged in.. in the past
Plugin Name: xBrander – PDF document brander — WordPress Plugins After the plug-in is configured with API Key you only have to brief the plug-in what to search for and what to replace in your report files.. in the past
Newsletter Campaign — WordPress Plugins Newsletter campaign allows you to Create send email for mailchimp template.. for more detail feedback please phone us at - wpcreators@gmail. com. in the past