ThirstyAffiliates Affiliate Link Manager — WordPress Plugins The plugin creates new shortlink link deflect to not beautiful affiliate link by making beautiful link with your own URL. in the past
WooCommerce Discount Rules — WordPress Plugins Offer Product quantity based discounts cart based discounts at percentage or patched number or Buy One and Get BOGO trades. in the past
Hero for Genesis Framework Drag and Drop your desired contents, choose the background hero image and your done. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
Perzonalization – The AI Powered Personalization Engine for WooCommerce — WordPress Plugins Description. Perzonalization's state of the methods is also ready for use by WooCommerce stores... in the past
3xSocializer — WordPress Plugins With the Chrome extension this plugin makes it the work of couple of subject double-clicks to help you pastor the usually viewed chrome tab. in the past
Yummi Quotes — WordPress Plugins Simple put this shortcode to your page or post where 'sort can be asc desc random and 'number is number of quotes to show.. sort can be asc desc random. number is number of posts to show... in the past
Hello Top 100 Movie Quotes This plugin is based and in code pretty much the same with Hello Dolly plugin, and since I am movie freak, this is my paying homage to all those awesome movies.. in the past
Hello Darling This plugin will display inspiring quotes in the upper right of your admin screen. in the past
WooCommerce PayU India (PayUmoney – PayUbiz) — WordPress Plugins Click PayU Money to edit the settings. in the past
ScreenSquid – Watch visitors as they use your website — WordPress Plugins Recordings show exactly what the user saw and did as they visited page. in the past
Query Recorder — WordPress Plugins Allows users to experience message when setting up theme or plugins only creating SQL script that can be run later when deploying to staging or live site.. in the past
Page Builder: Live Composer – drag and drop website builder (visual front end site editor) — WordPress Plugins Issue #638 New SEO in the plugin settings to recheck how much it will total to promote page in Google for special keywords you can hide this tab if you have had any of premium extensions installed.. in the past
Info Boxes Shortcode and Widget — WordPress Plugins Easily create all different categories of Info Boxes for WordPress site. in the past
Hectane — WordPress Plugins This plugin provides not hard way to route WordPress emails Hectane. in the past
Islam for Christians Archive — WordPress Plugins Islam for Christians is source of knowledge about the message of Jesus and how Muslims view him.. in the past
YITH WooCommerce EU VAT — WordPress Plugins From January 1st 2015 European Union has put from effect the new rules about the taxation on the purchase of digital power for European citizens.. in the past
Hide Login Logo This light-weight plugin hides logo WordPress login screen to make it clearer... in the past