Post Types Order — WordPress Plugins powerful plugin Order Posts and Post Types Objects using Drag and Drop Sortable JavaScript capability.. in the past
Facebook Secret Meta — WordPress Plugins Did you noticed also automatically shows bit info about the page link just below the image and text. in the past
Muut – Commenting and Forums Re-Imagined — WordPress Plugins It's fast highly scalable hill that you can embed from WordPress website and personalize with css to match the design of your site.. in the past
SimPay for WordPress Plugin to integrate simpay pl payment solutions for wordpress based website... in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
hamelp This plugin add new custom post type 'FAQ With some functionality, you can build help center for your user.. in the past
BP XProfile WordPress User Sync — WordPress Plugins The plugin replaces BuddyPress xProfile Name field with two fields called First Name and Last Name. in the past
Rumailer — WordPress Plugins RUMAILER пожалуй ЛУЧШИЙ на сегодня в рунете сервис email маркетинга с точки зрения вероятности доставки писем удобства использования поддержки и что главное ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ развития. in the past
Jetstash Connect — WordPress Plugins Just create type Jetstash and link it up via API Key and shortcode on the page need. in the past
Hello Gutenberg Block Hello Gutenberg Block plugin by Hitendra Chopda comes this new plugin.. in the past
YITH WooCommerce Coupon Email System — WordPress Plugins Description. YITH WooCommerce Coupon Email System let you send manual rewarding email for the first purchase of your customers. in the past — WordPress Plugins Get the zip issue of your holocam. io image from https dashboard. in the past
2BC Form Security — WordPress Plugins 2BC Form Security WordPress plugin will increase security and reduce data by using tools name Google reCAPTCHA V2 widget noCAPTCHA CAPTCHA and honeypot field. in the past
swift performance – cache me button Adds button to the bottom of front-end pages so you can force cache creation of any site page without waiting for it to build manually... in the past
Xrispi On-Site — WordPress Plugins Description. Xrispi is cool widget that enables online publishers bloggers and readers loved to underline important parts of content and share soon social cables emails and unique push notifications. in the past