ACF RGBA Color Picker — WordPress Plugins RGBA Color Picker is subject that supports popularity colors in RGBA-Mode.. in the past
Google XML Sitemaps — WordPress Plugins Use this plugin to slightly improve SEO to create XML sitemaps which will help search engines name Google Bing Yahoo and Ask. com to good index your site.. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
Import Property Listings into WP Residence — WordPress Plugins WP Residence Add-On for WP All Import makes not hard to number import part listings to WP Residence theme in less than 10 minutes.. in the past
gravity forms clinchpad crm add-on Automatically create update contacts in your ClinchPad CRM based on form submission details. in the past
infinity simple faq This plugin will add expand collapse FAQ feature inside post or page.. in the past
Real Estate Listings Plugin for Professionals — WordPress Plugins From Lead Sharing among the RE Reports Email Marketing Blast Property Management lead incubation and the conversion process it does all business part and more.. in the past
Polylang — WordPress Plugins The language is either set by the content or by the language code in url or you can use one different subdomain or image language. in the past
Lingotek Translation — WordPress Plugins The plugin allows you to soon and automatically annotate page by help use of API for Microsoft Translator the number is covered Lingotek for up to 100 000 categories. in the past
bulk clean Bulk clean allow you to delete unwanted posts, pages, custom post etc with single click.. in the past
PTA Volunteer Sign Up Sheets — WordPress Plugins In the settings you can choose to require that users be logged in to view and or sign-up for seeking sign-up sheets and pick the message they will see if they are not logged in. in the past
Get Better Excerpt — WordPress Plugins The Get Better Excerpt plugin works identical to the built in get the excerpt and the excerpt functions like it returns total words instead of clear off the excerpt as the function does.. in the past
Import Properties into RealHomes Theme — WordPress Plugins RealHomes Add-On for WP All Import makes not hard to number import part listings to RealHomes theme in less than 10 minutes.. in the past
WordPress Mobile Pack – Mobile Plugin for Progressive Web Apps & Hybrid Mobile Apps — WordPress Plugins It comes with mobile app topic that you can purchase separately or as WordPress Mobile Pack is supported iOS and Android smartphones and desktop. in the past
Nearby WordPress Events — WordPress Plugins The plugin updates WordPress News dashboard widget to also include upcoming meetup events and WordCamps near the games. in the past
WPB WooCommerce Product Slider — WordPress Plugins It has custom widgets for showing products slider in the sidebar and settings to individualize the slider. in the past
simple excel pricelist for woocommerce This plugin helps to create list of all products in stock in excel format and allows users to download the file... in the past