beauty box – wordpress plugin The Beauty Box block provides the ability to surround your content with configurable container.. in the past
VisualFeedback — WordPress Plugins At VisualFeedback We trust that customer feedback is the key to number so we make not hard to start receiving feedback from page or app.. in the past
Pollux — WordPress Plugins Instead of drag-and-drop configuration is added using YAML markup on Pollux settings page.. Pollux uses Meta Box plugin to add custom meta-boxes. in the past
Meta Box — WordPress Plugins Meta Box plugin is sports toolkit for users to create and handle everything related to custom meta boxes and custom fields for WordPress.. in the past
OGraphr for WordPress — WordPress Plugins 0.8.14. added support for URLs in HTML5 video subject and image tags. added option to filter images in wp-includes directory. added tooltips to some controls on the options page.. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
WP SEO Title — WordPress Plugins With this plugin you will be able to take responsibility of long tail keyword so you can memorize more about with Volume and CPC.. in the past
Meta Box for Yoast SEO — WordPress Plugins Description. Meta Box for WordPress SEO is extension for Meta Box plugin which allows users to add content of custom fields to Yoast SEO Content Analysis to have SEO score.. in the past
Meta Box Text Limiter — WordPress Plugins Text Limiter is extension for Meta Box plugin which allows you to limit number of categories or words entered for text and textarea fields.. in the past
nwmc login support – wordpress plugin This plugin will add the nwmc logo to the bottom of your login box and NW Media Collective's support info to the bottom of your admin WordPress.. in the past
conditional add to cart for woocommerce – wordpress plugin Conditional Add to Cart plugin gives you full control over. in the past
Virkut Related Category Post — WordPress Plugins Description. Virkut Related Category Post is WordPress Plugin help to show related item using CSS3. Fully responsive With Mobile Optimized. in the past
No Version Tags — WordPress Plugins Simple effective plugin that only activated it will eliminate CSS version tag of WordPress plugins core & themes.. in the past
OAuth Server ( OAuth Provider ) — WordPress Plugins The goal of this OAuth Oauth Provider plugin is to allow users to occur with WordPress and Jetpack sites with allowing them to store hard credentials.. in the past
dapper desktop – wordpress plugin Please tell me you aren't still rocking that default wallpaper. in the past
rich table of contents – wordpress plugin Rich Table of Contents. is open source software. in the past
MB Comment Meta — WordPress Plugins Description. MB Comment Meta is extension for Meta Box plugin which adds custom fields to comments in WordPress.. in the past
Shieldfy Security Firewall and Anti Virus — WordPress Plugins Shieldfy works as not internal shields loads not after and filter all requests passing only trusted non traffic and block other malicious traffic. in the past
MetaSlider Lightbox — WordPress Plugins For use with WordPress plugin MetaSlider allowing slides to be inaugurateed in lightbox using one of the following supported lightbox plugins. in the past