Udinra Mobile Sitemap — WordPress Plugins Creates Mobile Sitemap and automatically pings Search Engines. in the past
Contact Form by Supsystic — WordPress Plugins Integaration with Popup Membership and Google Maps Supsystic.. Contact Form Supsystic is ultimate form WordPress plugin that lets you to create phone forms in seconds with ease. in the past
Quick Seo — WordPress Plugins Quick Search SEO can bring significant amount of high-intent books to page people. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
Data Tables Generator by Supsystic — WordPress Plugins Enter the title of table set the number of Rows and Columns.. in the past
Grabber for QQWorld Auto Save Images — WordPress Plugins Additional grabber for QQWrorld-Auto-Save-Images It can grab pdf for now.. for example. in the past
Pricing Table by Supsystic — WordPress Plugins Pricing Table Drag-and-Drop builder allows you to showcase the prices for product services or packages in beautiful and responsive pricing table. in the past
Google Maps Easy — WordPress Plugins You can attach pictures and videos to the yahoo map terms and make potential visitors to feel the inside restaurant shop or other place of interest.. Google Maps Plugin Support. in the past
Digital Publications by Supsystic — WordPress Plugins Digital publishing plugin to create movie catalog or any other file with Digital Publications Supsystic.. in the past
Popup by Supsystic — WordPress Plugins You can only choose the more appropriate pop-up type and template that fit to the design of page and make your own pop-up in the time. in the past
Social Sharing (by Danny) — WordPress Plugins You can have the plugin load two small issues to add number and configuration to the sharing links. in the past
Page Modified — WordPress Plugins By connecting this plugin with Page Modified API Key you'll be able to choose image and get the results of recent shoved directly within your admin... in the past
Backup by Supsystic — WordPress Plugins In order to create backup at first you need to choose where to backup on Main tab you have application FTP Google Drive Dropbox Amazon S3 and OneDrive backup. in the past
Google Captcha (reCAPTCHA) by BestWebSoft — WordPress Plugins If you will name to create your own language cram or update the present one you can send the text of PO and MO issues to BestWebSoft and we'll add it to the plugin. in the past
Dewey's Open Graph Helper — WordPress Plugins Upload the directory to wp-content plugins. in the past
Debug Bar Post Meta — WordPress Plugins Description. Debug Bar Post Meta adds pane to the gallery with information about post meta for the current post.. in the past
多说社会化评论框 — WordPress Plugins Reviews.. 不建议安装. matteowang. 安装后会照成wp后台不能登陆,我花了好长时间才解决的问题。强烈不建议安装.... in the past
SportsPress for Golf — WordPress Plugins Please feel free to share your feedback with us so we can continue to develop and improve SportsPress for Golf.. in the past
Google Webfonts For Woo Framework — WordPress Plugins The purpose of this plugin is to make all Google webfonts available to WooThemes Canvas theme. and any other topic that use WooThemes framework. in the past
Unite Gallery Lite — WordPress Plugins The theme is gallery with navigation arrow on the not top to browse from the slides.. in the past