Dynamic User Directory — WordPress Plugins Once custom fields have been added to the registration spotlight page enter Meta Key likes on DUD settings page to show them in the directory... in the past
Social Media Feather Description. WordPress Social Media Feather is WordPress plugin that allows you to soon and painlessly add social sharing and following features to all your posts pages and custom post types.. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
WordPress Easy Custom Error Pages — WordPress Plugins This plugin dynamically creates pages for the experience codes. in the past
Lotos Author Fields — WordPress Plugins Adds additional meta fields for User Profile and link author page in widget. in the past
Quotable — WordPress Plugins When the button is double-clicked Twitter window is created with the shown or selected text.. in the past
Dewey's Twitter Card Helper — WordPress Plugins Upload the directory to wp-content plugins. in the past
WF Magnific Lightbox — WordPress Plugins Description. WF Magnific Lightbox is the wunderfarm-way to show your subject in only responsive lightbox. in the past
Social Media Links — WordPress Plugins The Social Media Links is simple page or post that allows users to input media link page spotlight URLs and more that inaugurate up in new tab.. in the past
Smooth Scroll by WPOS — WordPress Plugins Checkout our new plugin PowerPack Need of Every Website. Smooth Scrolling To Element. Smooth Scrolling effect where you double-click on link and soon scrolls back to the appropriate stretch. in the past
Olimometer — WordPress Plugins Place in your templates or in post where olimometer id = Olimometer's id locate on the settings page and olimometer css = additional dangle containing the name of CSS books to apply to the FAQ. in the past
Youtube Widget Responsive — WordPress Plugins Upload Youtube Widget Responsive plugin to Activate Add in sidebar from Widgets OR put in the content or in visual composer.. in the past
Plugin Promoter — WordPress Plugins Description. Plugin Promoter will help you get the word out about the great plugins you've released WordPress.org.. in the past
Kikflo Live Chat — WordPress Plugins Kikflo Live Chat allows you to chat with visitors to page via window. in the past
Theme Junkie Team Content — WordPress Plugins This plugin adds custom post type to WordPress website to manage your clubs. in the past
Multisite Toolbar Additions — WordPress Plugins This small and lightweight plugin just adds some missed and very useful admin links to Toolbar Admin Bar in Multisite installs and even page installs.. in the past
WP-Matomo (WP-Piwik) — WordPress Plugins It's also able to add the Matomo tracking code to blog and to do some improvements to the tracking code. in the past
Snitch — WordPress Plugins Network monitor for WordPress with overview for reducing and regulating books from your site.. in the past
Tabify Edit Screen — WordPress Plugins Make your post edit screen easy to browse and manage by creating set of tabs with Tabify Edit Screen plugin. in the past