GamiPress – Easy Digital Downloads integration — WordPress Plugins Gamify Easy Digital Downloads store thanks to the powerful points and achievements management plugin GamiPress.. in the past
My Skype — WordPress Plugins This WordPress Plugin Allows You to Add Skype Widget to Your Site's Sidebar. in the past
Facebook Messenger for WordPress — WordPress Plugins Feel free to send us message through of Facebook Messenger for WordPress... in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
YITH WooCommerce Review Reminder — WordPress Plugins YITH Woocommerce Review Reminder allows you to send when 7 years the order status is set to. in the past
RVCFDI para Woocommerce — WordPress Plugins Activa el plugin desde la pagina de activacion.. in the past
Stop Spammers — WordPress Plugins It is capable of performing more than 20 different rechecks for spam and malicious events and can block spam from over 100 different countries.. Stop Spammers uses many tools for detecting spam and will be aggressive for some websites.. in the past
WP Popup Banners — WordPress Plugins WYSIWYG Editor for Text Popup to configure the popup categories as per your need. in the past
Minify Javascript — WordPress Plugins All you have to do is go to Settings and double-click Javascript Minify. in the past
Head Meta Data — WordPress Plugins Shortcodes enable you to include dynamic bits of information in your meta tags. Head Meta Data currently provides the following shortcodes. post date. post author name. post title. post categories. current year. adds tab space to markup.. in the past
Hand Talk — WordPress Plugins Most of them have risk understanding Portuguese and depend on sign terms to understand what is written.. in the past
Frontier Restrict Backend — WordPress Plugins Access level chan be changed using filter Please FAQ to allow authors and not below to access the back end.. in the past
LastFM Top Artists — WordPress Plugins This plugin creates widget for displaying LastFM Artists and the number of plays artist. in the past
Frontier Query — WordPress Plugins Description. Frontier Query enables you to query WordPress site from search form widget and shortcodes.. in the past
Smart Product Gallery Slider — WordPress Plugins Smart Product Gallery Slider for Woocommerce plugin will allows you to display nice touch subject product pages. in the past
Frontier Set Featured — WordPress Plugins Frontier Set Featured will set featured image from images in the post if featured image is set by the user.. in the past
Frontier Post — WordPress Plugins Added bankruptcy posts to Frontier My Posts Widget optional... My Approvals widget Added list of draft posts to Frontier My Approvals Widget optional. in the past
fancyBox 3 for WordPress — WordPress Plugins By default the plugin will use jQuery to apply fancyBox to ANY thumbnails that link directly to image. in the past
Video Gallery by Huzzaz — WordPress Plugins It also has the application to minimize and float video when the user scrolls back the page so it can remain visible.. in the past
YITH Pre-Order for WooCommerce — WordPress Plugins All you have to do is mark the product or the variation as. Pre-Order. and give them 'additional stock that you. know you'll have. in the past