wp media replace – wordpress plugin Many of the WordPress website users fetches the in featured image section or content editor to be displayed at front-end. in the past
taxonomy order hierarchically – wordpress plugin Will change the order logic for taxonomies from alphabetical to order. in the past
wp custom author url – wordpress plugin This plugin will allow you to choose URL for your author links, instead of WordPress author page.. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
drm protected video streaming – wordpress plugin Protect your video content from being downloaded by browser extensions. in the past
ff block gist embed – wordpress plugin Include the stylesheet that handles the styling of Gist embeds .. in the past
hash hash tags – wordpress plugin Characters starting with #. will be tag links. 「#から始まる文字」がタグリンクになります。Like Instagram. in the past
wp quick add child category by binarycarpenter.com – wordpress plugin How to add child categories WordPress and WooCommerce. in the past
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this is a plugin to make toggle button for show more section. – wordpress plugin This plugin hasnt been tested with the major releases of WordPress. in the past
cpf e cnpj para contact form 7 – wordpress plugin Plugin criado para inserir , gerenciar e validar CPF e CNPJ nos formulários criados com Contact Form 7 , de forma fácil e otimizada para o usuário final.. in the past
sensei lms – wordpress plugin Sensei LMS integrates with your WordPress site, making it easy to create courses, lessons and quizzes.. in the past
woocommerce one page checkout and layouts – wordpress plugin With the help of Woocommerce One Page Checkout and Layouts, you can improve complicated multi step checkout process with one click checkout. in the past
change woocommerce product author – wordpress plugin WooCommerce has no option for changing the ownership. in the past
activechat.ai chatbots and live chat – wordpress plugin Smart AI chatbots are here to help, and will understand all your users queries even with typos, and in various languages.. in the past
google speed optimization by dtevik – wordpress plugin Plugin Google Speed Optimization is minimizes HTML of the site, combines JS and CS files into one, and also minimizes JS and CSS.. in the past
rebusify verified reviews woocommerce extension – wordpress plugin Showcase Verified and Trusted reviews by real customers of your websites using Woocommerce and Rebusify Confidence System with Blockchain verification built-in.. in the past
woocommerce pagadito payment gateway – wordpress plugin It's the easy and secure platform to sell through your own website, withdraw funds in your local bank account and pay online.. in the past
buddycommerce: woocommerce and buddypress integration – wordpress plugin Description on BuddyPress & WooCommerce site, BuddyCommerce helps listing user's orders, address, downloads etc on their BuddyPres profile.. in the past
lh buddypress disable group deletion – wordpress plugin I wanted lightweight to prevent group admins, from deleting groups. in the past