posts like dislike – wordpress plugin Posts Like Dislike is Free WordPress Plugin to enable Like and Dislike Icons for default WordPress Posts. in the past
woo customization add to cart heckout – wordpress plugin Woo Customization use to change the add to cart text and check out text. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
wordpress hosting benchmark tool – wordpress plugin According to kinsta com research, WordPress has become CMS system in the world. in the past
sms alert for contact form 7 – wordpress plugin SMS Alert for Contact Form 7 is plugin for the popular contact form 7. in the past
chrome one tap login for woocommerce – wordpress plugin Chrome One Tap Login for WooCommerce allows the customers to log in automatically into website without having to enter passwords each time customer visits store. in the past
create categories for pages only – wordpress plugin This plugin will create categories for pages, different from the categories assigned to posts. in the past
catch under construction – wordpress plugin Catch Under Construction is WordPress maintenance mode plugin that helps you display informative under construction page in manner without troubling your wallet. in the past
wp ultimate review – wordpress plugin This review plugin helps you to interact with your users with improved your blog comments, you can expose your reviews in easier to read way and will help you generate money by adding buy now in your post.. in the past
faq with accordion – wordpress plugin Use the shortcode to display FAQ in website anywhere. in the past
cinematic 3d parallax touch slider – wordpress plugin Cinematic is responsive touch-friendly Slider that displays your content with parallax 3D effect.. in the past
quform zapier – wordpress plugin Integrates with any of your Quform forms to automatically Zaps when forms are submitted.. in the past
rankanalyst content observer – wordpress plugin With 'RankAnayst Content Observer you can track all content modifications that editor has made to articles or pages within WordPress installation. in the past
electric backups – wordpress plugin This plugin will create sql file backup of your WordPress in the wp-content backups directory, so that you can backup your database with the rest of your files. in the past
scanforpay – alipay & alipayhk payment solutions for woocommerce – wordpress plugin ScanForPay為使用WooCommerce的香港商戶提供Alipay & AlipayHK的收款服務 , 並同時支持PC和移動端.. 對於您的客人. 使用內地版支付寶或者香港版AlipayHK支付您商城的訂單.. 對於您. 結算港幣到您的銀行帳戶.. 為什麼選擇我們.. 同時支持內地和香港支付寶收款 , 無須開多個帳戶 , 擴大您的客人範圍.. 免費開通 , 沒有安裝費、月費、年費等費用.. 您的資金完全由支付寶為您結算 , 安全有保障.. 結算週期T+2 , 方便您的資金流動.. in the past
wp infusionsoft woocommerce plugin – wordpress plugin Go to WooCommerce -> Settings -> Infusionsoft tab then add new account.. in the past
wpb woocommerce widgets accordion – wordpress plugin You may have so many widgets on your shop page and you want to show all the in accordion. in the past
flexible table pricing matrix for woocommerce – wordpress plugin WooCommerce Price Matrix helps to show the price of variable products become easier and more intuitive under price list.. in the past
woocommerce mpgs – wordpress plugin This plugin implement Hosted Checkout, the user either redirected to MPGS gateway page, or pay through popup lightbox... in the past
single post meta description – wordpress plugin This plugin adds new field in every post, where you can write text that will be inserted in the related meta tag, located in the head section.. in the past
wpopal medical – wordpress plugin Opal Medical is WordPress plugin that lets you display your company's medicals in variety of ways as single pages, and even as embedded content blocks on the homepage of your website with the help of custom shortcodes.. in the past