form vibes – wordpress plugin Form Vibes let's you save the form submissions from various form plugin database. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
imgspider – wordpress plugin IMGspider(图片蜘蛛)是一款用于WordPress文章图片抓取的WordPress插件,支持JPG , JPEG , PNG , GIF , BMP , TIF等常见图片爬取下载,实现一键抓取文章内容所有引用图片到本地服务器;并支持使用默认代理或者配置代理服务器爬取下载。. 该插件能够帮助WordPress站长在转载其他网站的文章时,快速将转载的文章内容中的站外图片抓取到本地服务器,而无需手动下载逐一上传,大大提升了站长的工作效率;其次,对于国内服务器无法访问的图片原地址的,支持使用默认代理服务器或者自行配置代理服务器执行爬取下载任务。. in the past
exportfeed – woo additional product fields – wordpress plugin Adding extra fields to your WooCommerce products is necessary to provide information to customers. in the past
users list table – wordpress plugin Plugin that creates HTML with list of users that we can filter by role and order them in order by display name and username. in the past
mobilook Mobile-friendliness is in determining your online success, so it's important to ensure that your website passes the mobile-friendly test for users and search engines.. in the past
electric migration – wordpress plugin Makes migrating your WordPress website from one web address to another as simple as possible. in the past
protect wordpress files – wordpress plugin Protect WordPress Files is simple and easy way to protect WordPress files.. in the past
terraclassifieds – wordpress plugin In your admin panel, go to Plugins -> Add New and click Upload Plugin button.. in the past
flopress – wordpress plugin FloPress is suite of integrated tools for WordPress developers & integrators to design and build features without writing line of code. in the past
hagakure – yet another error reporter – wordpress plugin Have you ever seen error log like below.. in the past
social rocket – social sharing plugin – wordpress plugin Easily add buttons for Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Mix, Reddit, Buffer, Email, and Print. in the past
electric enquiries – wordpress plugin Electric Enquiries turns any web form into enquiry form, enabling you to have enquiry forms throughout your website. in the past
iguga bible – wordpress plugin Using the bible shortcode you can create page with the bible on it.. in the past
cbx office opening & business hours – wordpress plugin This plugin helps to display any office or business hours or office opening close hours tabular or compact form in various ways. in the past
callbell chat widget – wordpress plugin Callbell widget allows website visitors to choose between Messaging Apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram Direct and Telegram to chat with your business. in the past
wp applicantstack jobs display – wordpress plugin Using ApplicantStack API, this plugin will display up to 100 of the ApplicantStack jobs you have listed on your website wherever you place the magic shortcode. in the past
um bootstrap carousels – wordpress plugin Details for the shortcode for each carousel are included in the editor.. in the past
automatic safe update – wordpress plugin To update your WordPress is time consuming task you can't avoid. in the past