GamiPress – bbPress integration — WordPress Plugins Gamify bbPress forum thanks to the powerful points and achievements management plugin GamiPress.. in the past
WPML to MultilingualPress — WordPress Plugins You can use the plugin but make replacement of whole system and make sure you can role back well. in the past
Donate by BestWebSoft — WordPress Plugins Simple donate plugin which adds PayPal and 2CO donate buttons on WordPress page posts pages and widgets. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
Image Widget — WordPress Plugins Image Widget is simple plugin that uses WordPress manager to add image widgets to your site.. in the past
Hosting Pricing Tables — WordPress Plugins This is free hosting pricing table with ease admin board to create excellent table. in the past
SEO Friendly Images — WordPress Plugins Description. SEO Friendly Images is WordPress SEO plugin which automatically updates all subject with ALT and TITLE predicts for SEO object. in the past
Kento Lazy Page Loader — WordPress Plugins This plugin was developed with CSS and JS with no subject or number. in the past
Transcoder — WordPress Plugins Subscribe to free plan from the plugin's settings or from product page. in the past
Force Login — WordPress Plugins Login deflects visitors back to the url they tried to visit.. in the past
Easy Chitika — WordPress Plugins Easy Chitika is part of the not hard community of advertising plugins consists of Google AdSense Easy Ads and Easy Chitika. in the past
Zen Cart for WordPress (zen4wp) — WordPress Plugins Base.. zen4wp featured Displays library of featured-products from Zen Cart store like the product's like image and price with link back to the product's detailed information page. in the past
Optimized Sharing — WordPress Plugins Subscribe to Twitter and Facebook to get recent update.. in the past
Simple Twitter Tweets — WordPress Plugins We verified that file then lo and Twitter changed API so displaying your own Tweets required OAuth and soon we buckled and need to roll your own so it would be simple for them for us and for you.. in the past
CollabPress — WordPress Plugins Description. CollabPress adds project and configuration to WordPress. in the past
WooCommerce Direct Checkout — WordPress Plugins WooCommerce plugin that aims to simplify the checkout process leading to immediate increase in sales.. in the past
YITH WooCommerce Badge Management — WordPress Plugins Badges are tool because they act on users mind as profiles that draw service upon product offer or attract them and make their interest high and their will to purchase increases. in the past
Ultra Community — WordPress Plugins complete bundle to create page having any first knowledge of programming.. in the past
JM Twit This Comment — WordPress Plugins Once activated the plugin adds this link below your retort link for each comment and field in comment form for your experts if they want to display Twitter account.. in the past
YITH WooCommerce Stripe — WordPress Plugins Stripe is WooCommerce extension that allows you to add door into e-commerce page and gives your. users the number to afford directly by credit card Stripe. com checkout.. in the past