va fast image upload – wordpress plugin simple upload interface for the user to upload image or take picture with the camera support.. in the past
woocommerce ecurring gateway – wordpress plugin eCurring is specialised in the processing of subscription payments with the use of SEPA Direct Debit and credit card. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
global coupons for woocommerce – wordpress plugin *Global Coupons are WooCommerce coupons that has restriction options and regarding to them available for the customers.. in the past
deploy webhook button – wordpress plugin Easily deploy static sites using WordPress and Netlify. in the past
devotionals – wordpress plugin Tweetable Quotes that allow you to add memorable quote from the devotional and. in the past
ultimate post review – wordpress plugin Add detailed post review block with unlimited rated criterias, negatives and positives lists, summary, affiliate buy button and more to any of your WordPress blog posts and display automatic total rating on single post page and blog listing pages.. in the past
posterno – recaptcha – wordpress plugin This addon lets you choose which forms you wish to protect, you can decide to display the recaptcha field into the registration form, login forms and recovery form, all with just few clicks.. in the past
easy page transition – wordpress plugin Easy Page Transition is the easiest way to add page transition animations to your WordPress website.. in the past
share social media – wordpress plugin Share Social Media adds media sharing icons to post or page of your WordPress website and allow visitors to share your content on various media sites. in the past
buddypress profile field duplicator – wordpress plugin Sometimes people needs to add the same profile field many times. in the past
registro jornada laboral – wordpress plugin Sistema para cumplir la nueva Española de registros de fichajes de entradas y salidas para los trabajadores.. in the past
s2w payments – wordpress plugin Connect to your Square API and filter Payments made and imported them into WooCommerce as new orders. in the past
bookmify – appointment booking wordpress plugin – wordpress plugin Below is checklist of items your host needs to comply with to ensure Bookmify operation. in the past
simple featured video – wordpress plugin Simple Featured Video Plugin is user-friendly WordPress plugin which provides interface to showcase your videos in Page, Post, and custom post type.. in the past
ns maintenance mode for wp – wordpress plugin Activating this plugin allows you to enable Maintenance Mode page, preventing users to navigate your under-construction wordpress based web-site.. in the past
plugin name: bc crowdox widget – wordpress plugin BC Crowdox widget allows you to pull Crowd OX project on your site using widget or shortcode.. in the past
woocommerce cart abandonment recovery – wordpress plugin WooCommerce Cart Abandonment Recovery plugin is best plugin to capture email address of users on the checkout page and send follow up emails if they don't complete the purchase. in the past
admin loaded display – wordpress plugin In the bar, this plugin, adds display that shows the registered scripts and styles. in the past