clipboard with title content-ivd – wordpress plugin At first this plugin created for add your own fields and additional content in clipboard.. in the past
comic book management system – wordpress plugin Comic Book Management System allows comic book creators to upload information about upcoming books such as their diamond code, release date, image and their role on the book, so that fans know when each book is being released.. in the past
wp chargebee – wordpress plugin Display your Chargebee plans with the integrated plans page and shortcode. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
eva – email validator – wordpress plugin EVA is 3rd party tool aimed at keeping your platforms free from fake or email accounts.. in the past
amazing search – wordpress plugin Amazing Search is WordPress plugin that gives you Amazon product search facility via widget and shortcode for content with your affiliate link. in the past
auto youtube summarize – wordpress plugin This is better and simple way to auto youtube summary posts.. in the past
wwwfap ab alert – wordpress plugin If the file load is blocked it displays banner fixed on the bottom of the page requesting disabling the blocker. in the past
wp chords – wordpress plugin WP Chords allows you to format and display the chords on your blog. in the past
woocommerce related products by sku – wordpress plugin This plugin create tab to manage the woocommerce related products by SKU.. in the past
wp job manager companies – polylang current language – wordpress plugin Output list of all companies that have posted job, with link to company profile and adapted with Polylang to display the company names according to their jobs language. in the past
funnelfire – wordpress plugin For those people who have FunnelFIRE account, this plugin will enable you to be notified when prospects are on your website.. in the past
socialized – wordpress plugin When another user on media then clicks on that shared link, URL redirects to your page with Google's UTM parameters for analytics tracking.. in the past
custom comment links – wordpress plugin I've had several requests for sites to be able to control links around comments, so I decided to create and share this plugin.. in the past
policy highlights: focus on vital keywords – wordpress plugin The highlighted keywords allow your users to find sections they should focus on quickly without having to read the policy and feel overwhelmed.. in the past
user agent blocker – wordpress plugin Block bad robots, unwanted robots, unwanted users or crawler from your site by it's User-Agent using.htaccess... in the past
paykun for woocommerce – wordpress plugin This is the PayKun gateway plugin for WooCommerce. in the past
wordproof timestamp – wordpress plugin WordProof Timestamp your WordPress Content on the Blockchain.. in the past
algolia for wordpress – wordpress plugin Algolia is the smartest way to improve search on your site.. in the past
travelers' map – wordpress plugin Travelers Map allows you to display your blog posts on dynamic map using Leaflet module and OpenStreetMap open data. in the past
lh dequeue woo – wordpress plugin This plugin removes the scripts and styles that Event Calendar adds to your site, but only on non event pages. in the past