camoo sms – wordpress plugin By CAMOO SMS you can add the ability of SMS sending to your WordPress product. in the past
garden gnome package – wordpress plugin When you are using shortcode to embed package, you can provide additional parameters in the width the width of the in the height the height of the in the page. start preview when set to 'true, the player will show as image with play button.. start node if the package is virtual tour, you can specify the node. in the past
dstitan – wordpress plugin DSTitan is manual dropshipping lister designed to integrate all of your business processes into single interactive and location. in the past
!teoola – wordpress plugin Description. teoola affords a new insigh into address book and creates a word of mouth tool on your Smartphone.. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
gutenstrap – bootstrap blocks for wp editor – wordpress plugin This plugin provides 1 block. gutenstrap embed-popup... in the past
mailbluster for wordpress – wordpress plugin MailBluster is the most advanced, reliable and email marketing in the world. in the past
details summary block – wordpress plugin The plugin will provide HTML block with element that will be shown when the element is collapsed. in the past
contact form 7 element converter – wordpress plugin Convert HTML5 elements into Contact Form 7 shortcodes. in the past
bizreview – business and google place review wordpress plugin – wordpress plugin Bizreview Business and Google Place Review WordPress Plugin for display Google Reviews & Ratings to increase user confidence, SEO and traffic of your Business. in the past
better detection – wordpress plugin This plugin will create and store hashes of content and monitor these moving forwards order to detect when changes occur. in the past
ajax content browser – wordpress plugin Whether you want to show blog posts, WooCommerce products, Easy Digital Downloads products, or just custom post types, this plugin will do the job. in the past
novaonx landing page – landing page builder – wordpress plugin Connector to access content from NovaonX Landing Page service.. in the past
innozilla image gallery 8 – wordpress plugin Innozilla Image Gallery 8 is the simplest plugin to integrate WordPress builtin Photo Galleries into your pages with excellent visual effects.. in the past
custom currency symbol for woocommerce – wordpress plugin This plugin allows you to change the symbol used by WooCommerce. in the past
carbon code – wordpress plugin The easiest way to create beautiful images of code comes to Gutenberg, WordPress block editor.. in the past
blackout darkmode widget for wordpress – wordpress plugin Basically, it uses the css mix-blend-mode order to bring Dark-mode to any of your websites.. in the past
wp foft loader – wordpress plugin Example for the bold weight italic style of Times New Roman, rename the files to timenewroman- boldItalic-webfont woff and timesnewroman- boldItalic-webfont woff2. in the past
code syntax block – wordpress plugin Code Syntax Block extends WordPress Block Editor by adding syntax highlighting support to the core code block using the Prism syntax highlighter.. in the past