cryptocurrencycheckout woocommerce gateway – wordpress plugin CryptocurrencyCheckout allows direct Peer to Peer decentralized transactions directly from Customers Wallet to Stores Wallet with No Middleman ever in control of your cryptocurrency.. in the past
images asynchronous load – wordpress plugin Plugin changes image loading into asynchronous load, so pages are rendered at first and after that images start loading, thus they don't block page load.. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
cloudflare cache purger for wordpress – wordpress plugin If you use CloudFlare in your WordPress website and you want to boost it's performance, you need to set your Page Rule to. in the past
prime mover – wordpress plugin Prime Mover will validate and notify you if the package size is too much for the browser to handle.. in the past
default post sort – wordpress plugin Provides interface under Reading Settings page for choosing what post element to orderby. in the past
lazyload for images – wordpress plugin Lazyload WordPress Images without any configurations and helps Superfast performance of your website and blogs. in the past
orion login with sms – wordpress plugin This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.. in the past
easy scroll progress indicator – wordpress plugin You can put the bar on the top, bottom, left or right.. in the past
different menu in different pages – user role menu – wordpress plugin Set different menus for different users, pages, posts, page templates, post types, categories, devices etc. in the past
acf woocommerce account fields – wordpress plugin Add Advanced Custom Fields to Woocommerce registration form and edit profile form.. in the past
display cookies shortcode – wordpress plugin On the frontend, users may click on the hyperlinked cookies order to see their contents... in the past
清理html代码标签 – wordpress plugin 清理HTML代码标签(Clear HTML Tags)是一款站长实用的WordPress文章编辑辅助插件,可以帮助站长快速实现清理HTML代码不需要的HTML标签。. 支持清理的HTML代码标签包括:. a div span article figcaption figure blockquote section canvas table tbody thead tfoot header footer ul li ol dt dd dl hr br em b i strong iframe ins h1 h2 h3 h4等. 支持清理的HTML代码标签属性包括:. id class style srcset sizes width height data-*等. in the past
favicon extender – wordpress plugin What happens, though, if you want to have different icons on different occasions, either because, for example, iOS doesn't support transparency or simply because you want to have more detailed icon on mobile devices. in the past
openhours – wordpress plugin OpenHours makes it easy to display your office opening closing hours and your current status in real time.. in the past
lazy load videos and sticky control – wordpress plugin And also provides the option control to make your sticky to side of the window if scroll away from the video viewport.. in the past
booster extension – wordpress plugin License URI http www gnu org licenses gpl-3.0.html.. in the past
wp smart seo – wordpress plugin SEO Plugin which generates for Pages or Posts * og type * og title * og description * og image * twitter title * twitter description * image. in the past