ultimate media on the cloud lite – wordpress plugin With Ultimate Media On The Cloud plugin, you can migrate move and mange wordpress medias on Cloud Storage Platforms like Amazon S3, Google Cloud and other platforms.. in the past
image hover effects block for gutenberg – wordpress plugin You can add 40+ Image hover effects with title and descriptions in simple way using this wordpress plugin hover effects block for gutenberg.. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
real3d flipbook – wordpress plugin Real3D Flipbook is PDF PDF embedder plugin that displays your PDF-s inside your website. in the past
wp posts feedback – wordpress plugin The plugin adds Thumbs up down to any post type with feedback form.. in the past
contact widgets for elementor – wordpress plugin Contact Widgets For Elementor add contact widgets to Elementor page builder. the widgets are. in the past
сhange user group asgaros forum – wordpress plugin This plugin performs one but very necessary function, it adds the user to the forum group depending on the status of WooCommerce order.. in the past
gamipress – invite anyone integration – wordpress plugin Gamify your Invite Anyone invitations thanks to the gamification plugin, GamiPress.. in the past
custom code manager – wordpress plugin easy to use, with interface, WordPress plugin that gives you the ability to easily add your custom code to your WordPress website, directly out of WordPress Admin Area, without the need to have external editor.. in the past
social addons for elementor (lite) – wordpress plugin Social Addons is extension for Elementor which enhance Elementor by adding creative and unique social widgets. in the past
thefork widgets – wordpress plugin This plugin enables you to embed TheFork widget into your WordPress site via shortcode. in the past
groovy menu (free) – wordpress plugin Groovy Menu is WordPress Mega Menu Plugin that will allows you add menu on your site. in the past
optifile online – wordpress plugin Deze plugin kan worden gebruikt om Optifile Online te integreren op uw website.. in the past
realty pack core – wordpress plugin Realty Pack is dynamic fully WordPress theme, made for Real Estate professionals.. in the past
member chimp – user profile & community plugin – wordpress plugin Member Chimp is user profile and community plugin for WordPress. in the past
fyyd podcast shortcodes – wordpress plugin Fill in the episode id you can find on the episode's page on fyyd.de. in the past
acf openstreetmap field – wordpress plugin Raw data will return array hoding the field configuration... in the past
motivation for woocommerce – wordpress plugin Motivation for WooCommerce display on cart and checkout pages advanced notices, that may offer the buyer to change their cart, for example, by adding additional products. in the past
quick & easy newsletters builder for mailchimp in wordpress – wp campaigns – wordpress plugin Quick & Newsletters for Mailchimp WordPress WP Campaigns. in the past
all in the title – wordpress plugin Quickly save blog post titles for inspiration and later use, without clogging up your database with drafts.. in the past