Inspire Dolly — WordPress Plugins Inspire Dolly is based Matt Mullenweg's Hello Dolly Plugin. in the past
BJ Lazy Load — WordPress Plugins This plugin replaces all your post images post thumbnails gravatar images and content iframes with generic and loads the content as it gets close to enter the year when the messenger scrolls the page. in the past
TechGasp Vine Master — WordPress Plugins Done with TechGasp Vine Master is not hard to use well chronicleed fast-loading SEO ready and makes no use of Javascipt. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
Chatroll Live Chat — WordPress Plugins Add live chat to WordPress or BuddyPress sidebar posts and pages. in the past
YDS Support Ticket System — WordPress Plugins Description. YDS Support Ticket System enables you to well create your own fine system on WordPress Theme. in the past – Share your Product Recommendations — WordPress Plugins Kit is community to discover discuss and get interesting products grouped from kits for action name traveling DJing cooking cycling and more. in the past
Zanto WP Translation (For Multisites) — WordPress Plugins Ability to create translation cables within the same multisite. i.e blog is translation of Blog B and C. in the past
WPFront Scroll Top — WordPress Plugins Description. WPFront Scroll Top plugin allows the messenger to scroll back to the top of the page with only customizable application and image. WPFront Scroll Top plugin has the following features.. in the past
RSS Via Shortcode for Page & Post — WordPress Plugins You can choose how many RSS feed number to display. in the past
WordPress Colorbox Lightbox — WordPress Plugins It allows users to pop up content in lightbox using jQuery ColorBox library. in the past
Lightweight HTML Minify — WordPress Plugins Lightweight HTML Minify plugin provide feature to install and minify HTML Means you don't have to fret about setting it minify HTML code in single line.. in the past
NiceScroll4wp — WordPress Plugins Description. with is plugin you can well shift scroll effect. girl deafult scrolling to smooth-scrolling.. in the past
YITH WooCommerce Product Bundles — WordPress Plugins Bundles are the best to offer trades and unmissable mix of products to your customers with YITH WooCommerce Product Bundles you will be able to do well and quickly.. in the past
Themify Popup — WordPress Plugins You can allow popups to show on the page or on certain posts pages categories user roles or even specific years so you don't have to automatically disable the popups. in the past
Flexible Recent Posts — WordPress Plugins Flexible Recent Posts FRP plugin gives you number to add widget to blog with recent posts using user-defined template.. in the past
Social Media Engine — WordPress Plugins This shortcode can be used in posts pages and widgets areas... in the past
Import Listings into Inventor WP — WordPress Plugins Inventor WP Add-On for WP All Import makes not hard to number import your listings to Inventor WP plugin and Superlist theme in less than 10 minutes.. in the past
Checking Variables (Dev. Tool) — WordPress Plugins Just simply recheck the view of your parameters. in the past
dsIDXpress IDX Plugin — WordPress Plugins The plugin also part as IDX solution by allowing visitors to search for and view the details of listings in the MLS.. in the past
Query Monitor — WordPress Plugins Filtering message games or calling function makes not hard to see which plugins topic or functions are making the more or the directory queries.. in the past