ns adblock blocker – wordpress plugin NS AdBlock Blocker helps you to detect site visitors who have installend and activated adBlocking extensions.. in the past
rotating words for visual composer – wordpress plugin This plugin will allow you to add interchangeable words that will replace one another in sentence after intervals. in the past
blahbox – wordpress plugin Blahbox is platform that allows you to integrate AI chatbot into your website or mobile application.. in the past
woocommerce elite licenser addon-lite – wordpress plugin Also you can add licensing to more than one WordPress plugin or theme and it can be installed on same WordPress... in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
browser title bar animation – don't lose visitors – wordpress plugin Grab the users attention and take them back to your shop website.. in the past
woocommerce product badge designer wordpress plugin – woo badge designer lite – wordpress plugin And the labels that can be added via this plugin come handy when there is any sale, discount, special features, product information.. in the past
resonline booking gadget – wordpress plugin ResOnline Booking Gadget allows registered Hotels, Motels, Caravan Parks and other Accommodation Businesses to embed relatively booking widget directly on their website.. in the past
wc order split – wordpress plugin After activation there will be Split icon in wp-admin > WooCommerce > orders list page within the order actions.. in the past
wonderpush – web push notifications – gdpr – wordpress plugin WonderPush is the most effective way to retain your users and grow your audience while remaining GDPR compliant. in the past
accessibility light – wordpress plugin Customize icon size, shape and margins from top and side. in the past
responsive image sizes divi – wordpress plugin Both the modules help creates image tag with image sizes... in the past
instagram feed plugin for divi – wordpress plugin The module allows you to showcase non-private Instagram account photos on your Divi Theme website. in the past
news aggregator – wordpress plugin This plugin offers simple news aggregation feeds that can be displayed anywhere on your site. in the past
getblogx – wordpress plugin This Plugin enables WordPress users to add the GetBlogX widget on their blogs, either directly below the articles or on the sidebar.. in the past
bdtask crm best crm wordpress plugin with full marketing solution – wordpress plugin Bdtask CRM is CRM wordpress plugin and management system.. in the past
woo email subscribe – wordpress plugin This plugin hasnt been tested with the major releases of WordPress. in the past
abandoned cart recovery for woocommerce – cartpull – wordpress plugin CartPull's WooCommerce abandoned cart recovery send automated reminder emails to your customers who have added the product to their cart but did not complete the order.. in the past
attesa extra – wordpress plugin Attesa Extra add extra features to Attesa Theme like demo import, custom templates, widgets, elementor widgets and metaboxes to edit the structure of the website for each post page.. in the past