Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
rev – responsive embedded video – wordpress plugin Use REV Responsive Embedded Video to embed Youtube and Vimeo videos that are responsive to any screen size.. in the past
masoffer promotion – wordpress plugin This plugin will display the latest discount code in the MasOffer system.. in the past
media with ftp – wordpress plugin Media with FTP can manage the media files of image hosting throught FTP connection. in the past
external links advertisement note – wordpress plugin External links will be marked as advertisement. in the past
ultimate member – terms & conditions – wordpress plugin This Ultimate Member extension add terms and condition checkbox to your registration forms & require users to agree to your T&Cs before registering on your site.. in the past
creative blocks – ultimate blocks for gutenberg – wordpress plugin Creative Blocks, elegant professional page building blocks for WordPress Gutenberg block editor is the collection of flexible, clean, simple and reactive blocks ready to use in your pages and posts. in the past
redirect with shortcode – wordpress plugin Its very usefull in Thank you Order success pages, where website owner required to return to home or other pages.. in the past
advanced custom routes – custom endpoints for wp rest api – wordpress plugin REST API was great to WordPress that made it easy to grab data through the default routes. in the past
wp post block – wordpress plugin Just select Post and it will shine between your content with all the information needed to your readers from the Category and Post Title to Publish Date and the number of Comments. in the past
conditional blocks – control any gutenberg block – wordpress plugin Show or Hide block based user state .. in the past
transition slider – webgl image & video slider – wordpress plugin Transition Slider is HTML5 and slider with unique seamless transitions made with custom WebGL shaders. in the past
custom instagram embed – wordpress plugin This plugin will help you in removing some frustrating description and comments from embedded Instagram photos and videos... in the past
full screen ad – wordpress plugin You can set the frequency and the time of the announcement when it's shown.. in the past
masoffer dynamic link – wordpress plugin This plugin converts all links to products in the article into Affiliate Tracking links of MasOffer if publisher qualifies.. in the past
simple calculator – wordpress plugin User Can Do Mathematical Operation WordPress Backend Side. in the past
x builder – wordpress plugin X Builder plugin is new page builder plugin powered by StylemixThemes.. in the past
tikkie fast checkout – wordpress plugin Fast Checkout button can be placed with the function tk show button. in the past
oopspam anti-spam – wordpress plugin Finally, OOPSpam API anti-spam service is available for WordPress users as well.. in the past