fast activecampaign – wordpress plugin Fast Active Campaign is designed to work with both Fast Flow Dashboard and Fast Member. in the past
pixelgrade assistant – wordpress plugin Pixelgrade Assistant is plugin to go along with any WordPress theme made by Pixelgrade.. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
shika365 payment gateway for woocommerce – wordpress plugin Shika365 Plugin for Woocommerce allows you to accept local and International payment on your Woocommerce store via the use of Visa MasterCard, Gh-link enabled card, mobile wallets.. in the past
pro missa – wordpress plugin This plugin will show all the times of masses who are stored ProMissa.. in the past
ezusy – image swatches for variable product – wordpress plugin By using our plugin you can generate image swatches to display the product variable attributes like colors, sizes, styles, etc. in the past
pushpro – wordpress plugin PushPro plugin for WordPress will enable you to configure PushPro on your WordPress site straight from your admin panel.. in the past
block-a-saurus – wordpress plugin With Block-a-saurus embedded in post, your users will be able to click and play version of T-Rex game, popularized by Google Chrome. in the past
wp theme scripts – wordpress plugin WP Theme Scripts handles adding scripts to the header, after the body tag and the footer of your theme... in the past
taxonomy terms grid – wordpress plugin There are many plugins that allow you to create grid. in the past
wp fortune wheel – wordpress plugin WP Fortune Wheel interesting way to get subscribers of your WordPress website. in the past
autocomplete google address – wordpress plugin This plugin will help you to use Place Autocomplete API key to enable address auto-completion to any input fields. in the past
uikar registration plugin – wordpress plugin This plugin is for creating login, registration and landing page with E-mail authentication for websites registration from includes captcha and password strength.. in the past
wordpress customer chat – wordpress plugin Communication with your customers can be very easy and fast. in the past
wp linkpress lite – wordpress plugin Adjust Job title and choose to share the comment on the LinkedIn feed before placing the comment. in the past
follow hook – wordpress plugin Follow Hook is WordPress CRM designed to automate communications with potential and existing customers. in the past
extended order details for woocommerce – wordpress plugin So in case you are using Affiliate WP, it will display all the orders from. in the past
specific content for mobile – wordpress plugin To create version for your pages follow these steps click on Pages in the main admin menu go with your mouse on the page you want to modify for the version and click on the action link. in the past
peuwl hero block lite – wordpress plugin Peuwl Blocks in the inserter to display the Hero, then configurate it how ever you want.. in the past
seo marketing checklist – wordpress plugin For more information on the plugin please visit PR Wire Pro for more free editable press release templates and or if you are interested in press release distribution services. in the past
wp draft published – wordpress plugin This plugin allows users to save published post or page as draft and publish it later. in the past