Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
conditional discount rules for woocommerce checkout – wordpress plugin You can create any type of woocommerce dynamic discount such as Bulk discounts, Country based Discount, cart discounts, special offers, user role-based discounts and more.. in the past
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rs logo showcase – wordpress plugin Logo Showcase is lightweight & Responsive plugin to Display list of clients, supporters, partners or sponsors logos in your WordPress website. in the past
pluginpass – wordpress pro plugin/theme licensing (public alpha) – wordpress plugin PluginPass is WordPress License Manager that makes it easy to control the use and monetize your WordPress plugins and themes.. in the past
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wpc variations radio buttons for woocommerce – wordpress plugin WPC Variation Radio Buttons for WooCommerce is blowing hit designed for helping store owners bring about more visitor-friendly interface. in the past
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opal membership – wordpress plugin Whenever you plan to start up sale off, discount programs you can log in your admin and easy to create Coupon code for the Membership package to attract the customer's attention. in the past
basepress knowledge base + oxygen visual site builder integration – wordpress plugin To integrate BasePress with Oxygen install and activate this small plugin.. in the past
appointment booking, scheduling & calendar – wordpress plugin Appointment Booking by GreatAt gives your customers and clients simple way to schedule their appointment with you all without ever leaving your WordPress website.. in the past