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Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
qcaptcha – wordpress plugin Es gibt 37 Millionen blinde und 124 Millionen sehbehinderte Menschen Welt. in the past
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linkt – wordpress plugin Simply create links that you want to track and see the statistics grow in your Dashboard.. in the past
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my affiliate link – wordpress plugin Formats affiliate links so they aren't indexed by the search engines, ensures data is passed, and easier to style via CSS.. in the past
display team members wordpress plugin – wordpress plugin Display Team Members WordPress Plugin helps you to show the team members in couple of different style with different contents. in the past
file manager, code editor, and backup by managefy – wordpress plugin Managefy Plugin for wordpress, allow you to access folders, download files, upload files, create folders, sub folders. in the past
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busha pay payment gateway for woocommerce – wordpress plugin Accept cryptocurrencies through Busha Pay such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and Bitcoin Cash on your WooCommerce store... in the past
footer widget bundle – wordpress plugin The Footer widget bundle gives you collection of widget that you can use footer or sidebar of your website.. in the past
wp like, comment & share – wordpress plugin WP Like, Comment & Share is facebook social plugin where you can show facebook like button, comment form and share button to any page or post you want. in the past