Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
runcache purger – wordpress plugin This plugin will purge Runcloud.io NGINX fastcgi cache. in the past
advanced product wishlist for woocommerce – wordpress plugin WooCommerce Wishlist may be simple however tool which will assist you to convert your website guests into loyal customers. in the past
müllweg! de – wordpress plugin DE Impressum , Datenschutz sowie einiger Hilfe-Seiten , die dem Nutzer MÜLLweg. in the past
paydirectfpx – wordpress plugin This plugin payment using credit or debit cards and online banking. in the past
embed block for github – wordpress plugin This plugin adds GitHub Repository Embed Block to Block Editor... in the past
prothemeswp frontend admin menu – wordpress plugin ProThemesWP Frontend Admin Menu displays WordPress's admin menu on the frontend of your website to make accessing WordPress's settings pages quick and easy.. in the past
demo importer – wordpress plugin This plugin demo import action and simplify it for end-users, so the whole import process require just few clicks. in the past
next featured video (youtube, vimeo, dailymotion) and photo gallery for post – wordpress plugin The Next featured is thme advanced Featured Services for WP Post. in the past
native lazyload + polyfill – wordpress plugin Adds native lazyloading to all images and iframes, also wraps them in and adds the loading-attribute-polyfill to make it work in all browsers.. in the past
ltl freight quotes – freightquote edition – wordpress plugin The FreightQuote LTL Freight Quotes plugin retrieves your negotiated LTL rates, takes action on them according to the plugin settings, and displays the results as shipping options in WooCommerce cart or checkout page. in the past
wp restaurant price list – wordpress plugin simple plugin that helps you show the list of your business thanks to its interface you can enter both the titles of the categories, and the name and description of the addition to the price.. in the past
wp fundraising donation plugin and crowdfunding platform – wordpress plugin WP Fundraising Donation plugin and Crowdfunding fundraising Platform is WooCommerce Powered Donation and Crowdfunding plugin that empowers anyone to create crowdfunding and donation site with WordPress. in the past
visibility control for learndash – wordpress plugin Visibility Control for LearnDash helps you hide messages and content for specific criterion anywhere on your WordPress page.. in the past
arya license manager – wordpress plugin Arya License Manager integrates with WooCommerce to simplify the creation and management of software licenses.. in the past
social network chat – wordpress plugin Easily integrate chat buttons to various channels, including WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, VKontakte, LINE, Skype, Viber, Email and Phone. in the past
app-ads.txt (authorized sellers for apps) & ads.txt manager for wordpress – capture more ad revenue – wordpress plugin Note Google Ad Manager and AdMob, Google's ad network, now support app-ads txt, the protocol for app publishers. in the past
hw wp status manager – wordpress plugin One Click way to hide WP statuses, if you need to clean the dropdown.. in the past
lh taxonomy pinned posts – wordpress plugin LH Taxonomy Pinned Posts allows you to mark post to be displayed or stuck to the top of each archive page for the specified taxonomy. in the past
deploy with netlifypress – wordpress plugin Instead of going into Netlify and triggering deploy everytime you make WordPress, automate and make things easier with the Deploy with NetlifyPress plugin. in the past
fast sendy – wordpress plugin Add your Fast Member members to Sendy list whenever they make purchase.. in the past