simple plugin for google analytics – wordpress plugin Simple Plugin for Google Analytics will include Google Analytics code if the user has given consent for statistics cookies. in the past
product search by sku for woocommerce – wordpress plugin The in woocommerce doesn't search by sku by default no config required.. in the past
swiper js slider – wordpress plugin Autoplay * On Off. * Speed. * Stop On Last Slide. * Disable On Interection. * Reverse Direction. * Wait For Transition.. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
support forum for envato – wordpress plugin Using ' Support Forum for Envato helps to validate envato purchase code and allow user to create new topic.. in the past
theme switch change – wordpress plugin This plugin allows you to change the administrator or user with permission to change Theme ( switch themes ) the possibility to see how a post or any page on different Themes installed quickly.. in the past
acf quick edit fields – wordpress plugin WordPress plugin which adds Quick Edit to Advanced Custom Fields Plugin ( Pro and Free 5+.. in the past
melonpan block – site title – wordpress plugin Block that displays Site Title and Description. in the past
widget shortcodes for github – wordpress plugin Lightweight widget shortcodes to display GitHub buttons and gists on your blog. in the past
owids – your ultimate website tool – wordpress plugin It lets owner add elements that engage website visitors and help to increase conversions.. in the past
apptoday rss widget – wordpress plugin This WordPress plug-in parses Apple iTunes RSS feed for iOS apps and display them in widget. in the past
easy broken link checker – wordpress plugin This awesome link tool allow wordpress user to find broken links on website and also any one can fix all broken links easily 100 % free plugin. in the past
permalink manager for woocommerce – wordpress plugin Permalink Manager for WooCommerce is developed to provide your store nicer urls.. in the past
seynd – wordpress plugin Seynd Connection is used to connect seynd account with wordpress site. in the past
search autocomplete by dotcomjungle – wordpress plugin Search Autocomplete by Dotcomjungle works by creating widget that autofills from the titles of products, blog posts, events, pages, or anything else you choose. in the past
creative commons – wordpress plugin Creative Commons WordPress plugin gives authors the ability to license content with Creative Commons license.. in the past
contextual featured images – wordpress plugin Contextual Featured Images provides the functionality to assign image to post's category.. in the past
hnb multi currency for wpml – wordpress plugin Due to bug WooCommerce Multilingual, plugin works with WPML plugin versions.. in the past
stepform – wordpress plugin This plugin gives opportunity to automate the stepFORM survey — just allow access anf choose the form from the stepFORM is builder for creating forms, quizzes and online surveys. in the past