lsx currencies – wordpress plugin LSX Currencies extension gives your users the ability to switch between currencies when viewing product or service. in the past
easymanage – wordpress plugin One of the great thing its that it let you keep your documents, in one place, access from anywhere and share with anybody.. in the past
social media smart share – wordpress plugin Social Media Smart Share help to you shares your old posts in your media profile and social groups.. in the past
social cards – wordpress plugin Retrieve photos from Instagram user or tag and display them on your WordPress site using Social Cards.. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
wp telegram comments – wordpress plugin Telegram comments removes this drawback because the comments are stored on Telegram servers and every comment is from Telegram user.. in the past
new tab redirect plus – wordpress plugin In other words, instead of leaving your site completely when clicked, they will open in new tab.. in the past
fast beaver control – wordpress plugin Fast BeaverControl gives you the power to show or hide any Beaver Builder page content based on URL strings, user tags or product purchases.. in the past
quotepress – wordpress plugin Activate WooCommerce plugin on new or existing WordPress site, follow the optional guided tour, and set up new store in minutes with. in the past
really simple feedback – wordpress plugin Really Simple Feedback is simple way for your users to submit feedback about your WordPress site and pages in clean and easy way... in the past
task runner – wordpress plugin I have created runner for WordPress that can be used to automate tasks to one click. in the past
active catalog – wordpress plugin As coordinator for our manufacturing company, I would like to maintain and update our product catalog on our website. in the past
lh 404s for static resources – wordpress plugin I wanted lightweight to speed up my website by preventing wordpress booting up when page request for resource is made that results in 404 not found... in the past
rise blocks – wordpress plugin With rise block, you can make stunning layouts for your website or blog with zero in coding.. in the past
native lazyload – wordpress plugin If the loading attribute is not supported by the browser, the plugin falls back to JavaScript solution based on IntersectionObserver. in the past
montonio for woocommerce – wordpress plugin Montonio is solution which lets your customer fill in application and retrieves credit offers from multiple lenders in time, increasing the chances that they'll find suitable offer.. in the past
opay payment for woocommerce – wordpress plugin Description. 歐付寶金流外掛套件,提供合作特店以及個人會員使用開放原始碼商店系統時,無須自行處理複雜的檢核,直接透過安裝設定外掛套件,便可以較快速的方式介接的金流系統。. 全方位金流. 信用卡 ( 一次付清、分期付款、定期定額 ) 、ATM櫃員機、網路ATM、四大超商代碼,免註冊即可使用。. 無需和個別銀行申請信用卡刷卡服務,只要註冊歐付寶即可享有多種收款方式。. 可依需求設定要顯示給消費者單一或多種金流。.. 更安全的付款方式. 以簡單、安全且保障隱私的方式付款,符合國際PCI DSS 認證,保護每一個持卡人的交易安全,執行嚴謹的網路軟體硬體防護措施,加倍安心。. 收款方式清單. 信用卡 ( 一次付清、分期付款、定期定額 ). 網路ATM. in the past
bc simple auto ads – wordpress plugin This plugin lets you insert your auto ads to your posts and exclude certain categories. in the past
openstreetmap for gutenberg and wpbakery page builder (formerly visual composer) – wordpress plugin Map Style Choose the style of the map from one of the available map tile providers to fit your needs.. in the past
拖拽式预约留言表单定制广告悬浮窗弹窗插件 5usujian bottom pop – wordpress plugin Description. 5usujian bottom pop表单弹窗插件可以在wordpress网站底部添加一个优雅实用的表单悬浮窗或嵌入式表单;. 支持拖拽式定制表单,表单类型包含单行文本、多行文本、单选下拉框、多选下拉框、单选按钮、日期选择器、城市选择器;. 客户提交的资料保存在后台,你可以在后台对客户留言进行查阅、删除、批量处理等操作,客户留言也可以以邮件的形式发送至邮箱;. 插件支持2种模式,一种为底部悬浮窗,支持添加广告图片,让表单更加美观醒目;一种为嵌入式表单,将表单嵌入某个页面,变为一个普通的留言表单;. 插件为响应式架构,完美适配手机端;. 支持全方位的样式修改,包括按钮颜色、表单宽度、背景图片、广告图片等等,让你的设计随意发挥。.. in the past