frontend analytics – wordpress plugin Frontend Google Analytics gives you the ability to add widget, shortcode or block anywhere on your site that can show selected Google Analytics information.. in the past
blog blocks – gutenberg blocks for content writers – wordpress plugin Create repeated elements, such as notice, and do not waste time on number of settings. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
product category slider for elementor – wordpress plugin WooCommerce Product Category Slider for Elementor helps you display by filtering WooCommerce Categories aesthetically in manner. in the past
ugc comments – wordpress plugin The plugin allows you to manage the values of the rel attribute in comment links. in the past
timezone conversion widget – wordpress plugin This is light weight plugin which allows your customer to convert the time from one timezone to another timezone. in the past
фискализация чеков е-офд – wordpress plugin Плагин для WooCommerce , для фискализации чеков согласно 54 ФЗ , арендованной облачной онлайн кассы оператора фискальных данных е-ОФД.. in the past
terminflix – wordpress plugin Erstellen Sie in wenigen Sekunden ein Terminformular und betten Sie das Terminformular in WordPress ein.. in the past
wp maximum upload file size – wordpress plugin Plugin detects upload limits set by WordPress and by the server hosting provider, and displays them.. in the past
correosexpress – shipping management – tags – wordpress plugin Corrección de varias consultas para que retornen los datos correctos para el formulario de la orden. in the past
remove yellow bgbox – wordpress plugin The simple ways to remove the background as this also help you to optimize your WordPress Website SEO.. in the past
cbx woo free product quick checkout – wordpress plugin This plugin makes the woocommerce checkout process faster for free products by skipping some fields and helps to change some labels. in the past
easy static maps – wordpress plugin Easy Static Maps is WordPress plugin for drawing static maps with the web map services Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, Bing Maps.. in the past
simple www redirect – wordpress plugin The plugin specifies whether your domain will include www. in the past
team master – a modern wordpress team showcase – wordpress plugin There are lot of customization options to change the way the image looks and the text on the bottom layers that are displayed in front of your image. in the past
qr code generator for post – wordpress plugin If you are blogger or writer and using WordPress as your website CMS, then QR Code Generator for Post plugin is for you. in the past
one click complete backups by maida themes – wordpress plugin Navigate to ONE CLICK Backups in admin menus. in the past
implementation of viva payments' native checkout v.2.0 (unofficial) – wordpress plugin Native Checkout v2.0 from Viva Payments, allows merchants to accept payments natively on their ecommerce store. in the past
availability calendar – wordpress plugin WordPress Availability Calendar is FREE easy to use plugin. in the past
ultimate mortgage calculator – wordpress plugin Ultimate Mortgage Calculator provides you shortcode to add your in your WP Posts or Pages. in the past
plugin compatibility info – wordpress plugin valuable piece of information is missing on the management page WordPress. in the past