Easy FancyBox — WordPress Plugins After activation all links to JPG GIF and PNG subject automatically inaugurateed in FancyBox Mac Gnome-style lightbox that floats over the web page.. in the past
Royal Bangla Keyboard — WordPress Plugins Type bangla using any 3rd tool or bass in your back-end post widget & your visitors front-end.. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
DL Verification — WordPress Plugins Если вы хотите помочь в разработке этого плагина добро пожаловать на github.. in the past
Help Scout — WordPress Plugins Thousands of businesses in more than 140 countries use Help Scout to make customer support relations & more helpful.. in the past
Xerte Online — WordPress Plugins Elearning format can be authored soon and well using browser-based tools with no programming required. Xerte Online Toolkits is aimed at content authors. in the past
Linkedin_Oauth — WordPress Plugins Description. Linkedin Oauth allows users to login or register into wordpress page using their linkedin terms it will set button on login page and uses shortcode to put the button wherever you want it to show.. in the past
RSS with Images — WordPress Plugins Adds included subject to Mailchimp emails Infusionsoft Hubspot Constant Contact Zoho Feedburner Bloglovin Feedly and other services that use RSS feed data.. in the past
Music Press Pro — WordPress Plugins Album Name Image Album type Description Publication Date.. in the past
Google Language Translator — WordPress Plugins I created the Pro and it wasn't working mobile so i phoneed Rob The Author and he responded soon and patched the problem and also helped me patch some other files identical to the plugin. in the past
Google Remarketing — WordPress Plugins Allows you to specify Google Display Network Remarketing tracking code to page. in the past
Simple Taxonomy WYSIWYG — WordPress Plugins This is simple plugin that will save the terms textarea to WYSIWYG TinyMCE form.. in the past
Google Drive Embedder — WordPress Plugins Google Apps Login plugin which you will also install. allows present WordPress user accounts to login to the website. using Google to securely verify account. in the past
Multiple Cropped Images — WordPress Plugins Multiple Cropped Images MCI allows you to upload number of images to editing page and to scale each using image cropping tool and enables you to select image stretch. in the past
CM Answers — WordPress Plugins CM Answers is questions and answers plugin for WordPress that enables users to add questions and answers Q&A in overflow style.. in the past
a3 Portfolio — WordPress Plugins Option to show the Attributes and describes in community on Item Expander and Item Post. Portfolio Attributes Widget enables admin to set widget as additional Filters for users to view Portfolio Items.. in the past
Ultimate PopUnder — WordPress Plugins Generate PopUnder AD on WordPress using the lalund. js logic. in the past
Remove Category URL — WordPress Plugins This plugin completely remove the category from your permalinks e.g. mydomain. com category my-category to mydomain. com my-category.. in the past
Border Menu – floating menu button — WordPress Plugins Border Menu is WordPress plugin for setting up the menu the. sausage icon.. in the past
GS Only PDF Preview — WordPress Plugins The plugin pre-empts WordPress 4.7 4.8 PDF preview payment process which uses the PHP Imagick to call Ghostscript directly to produce the preview.. in the past