openbucks woocommerce payment gateway – wordpress plugin Securely accept cash and card payments in U.S with Openbucks gateway plugin. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
dh – rename uploaded files – wordpress plugin Enables you to rename WordPress media uploads on the fly.. in the past
wp themes & plugins stats – wordpress plugin The WP Themes & Plugins Stats plugin fetch theme and plugin stats from WordPress org API and store it. in the past
wp convert excel data to tabel and db – wordpress plugin Plugin to convert Excel files to WordPress database And manage in your WordPress menu. in the past
oribi analytics – wordpress plugin Oribi is Analytics tool, designed to help companies and marketing agencies increase conversions on their site based on the data, absolutely code-free, and without the need for analyst.. in the past
front connector – wordpress plugin The goal is to be able to send comments and messages from WordPress to Front inbox.. in the past
prodigy commerce – wordpress plugin Prodigy Commerce extends the capabilities of WordPress and adds all-in-one cloud-based platform that provides developers with extensive toolkit to create and configure feature-rich eCommerce websites. in the past
cbx petition – wordpress plugin plugin to create, manage petition and collect signatures for petition. in the past
food to prep – wordpress plugin Regardless of the types of meals you're selling to your customers, Food To Prep gives you the solution to take your online, into WordPress and manage your orders from start to finish, effortlessly.. in the past
bhim upi pay – by formalx – wordpress plugin BHIM UPI Pay for WooCommerce allows you to accept UPI Payments for FREE, Instantly & Directly into your Bank account... in the past
jpeg quality settings – wordpress plugin For example you might want background to be of quality, hence lowering the filesize and increasing the speed of. in the past
login with office 365 – wordpress plugin miniOrange Login with Office 365 Plugin acts as SAML 2.0 Service Provider which can be configured to establish the trust between the plugin and Azure Active Directory to authenticate Office 365 users to the WordPress site.. in the past
ninety in ninety – wordpress plugin Often referred to as in 90., the practice of attending AA meeting every day for 90 days in row is suggestion for newcomer.. in the past
previous page redirect for woocommerce – wordpress plugin After logged in from WooCommerce My Account page, this plugin will redirect your customers to the previous page or product they were checking. in the past
dark mode for twenty nineteen – wordpress plugin Activates Dark Mode Twenty Nineteen if OS is set to Dark Mode. in the past
experience api for learnpress by grassblade – wordpress plugin This plugin enables Experience API support on LearnPress LMS by integrating with GrassBlade xAPI Companion plugin.. in the past
image composer – wordpress plugin Image Composer is official plugin maintained by Prozoned team that make two seprate or diffrent images combined in one single images.. in the past
innovs woocommerce manager – wordpress plugin WooCommerce Manager enables the easiest way to manage your WooCommerce store and design it with your very own choice.. in the past
rss control – wordpress plugin The use of NEGATIVE in front of ID says DO NOT INCLUDE posts from category 3. category not in. in the past