paypal brasil para woocommerce – wordpress plugin O Checkout Transparente do PayPal é agora PayPal Brasil para WooCommerce.. in the past
remove products background for woocommerce – wordpress plugin WooCommerce remove background is WordPress plugin, which allows remove or change any background of woocommerce product images using API of remove bg service.. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
advanced widgets for elementor – wordpress plugin It's time to take your Elementor page building experience to the next level. in the past
wp subscription forms – wordpress plugin WP Subscription Forms is subscription form builder plugin which is very easy to use and provides very interface to create and integrate subscriptions forms in your site in no time.. in the past
simple cookies – wordpress plugin Allows you to implement the functionality of dynamic content and progressive profiling on the site and work with cookies for those marketers. in the past
wp track kepper – wordpress plugin WP Track Keeper watches over your WordPress directory files and send email and Or SMS notification to your defined Email and Or phone number.. in the past
css ready classes for gravity forms – wordpress plugin This WordPress plugin will allow you to select from fully updated list of CSS Ready Classes from within your Gravity Forms form Appearance tab. in the past
parent comments – wordpress plugin Recent Top Most Comment Parents is simple wordpress plugin for listing top most parent comments... in the past
blogmentor – wordpress plugin Blogmentor is add-on to showcase your WordPress posts in beautiful way. in the past
ipay payment gateway – wordpress plugin iPay plugin allows you to add iPay method to your site.. in the past
rss chimp – wordpress plugin RSS chimp is simple yet powerful plugin that adds the image of article to your RSS feed. in the past
woocustomizer – wordpress plugin With all the settings built into WordPress Customizer, you can enjoy editing your WooCommerce store in the environment of Customizer and see your changes happening as you edit.. in the past
age verification system for woocommerce – wordpress plugin However, confusing and complicated verification popups can often make the visitor leave your site and look for alternatives, the competition is just one click away.. in the past
ucm files manager addon (ucm fm) – wordpress plugin UCM Files Manager is addon for Ultimate Media On The Cloud Plugin https wordpress org plugins ultimate-media-on-the-cloud-lite With UCM FM it allows you to manage your hosting files right within your WordPress backend admin panel, you can create, edit, move, remove, upload file, folder at your hosting space. in the past
compute links – wordpress plugin Compute links plugin is view of the total size of the in the post. in the past
lovage portfolio – wordpress plugin Lovage Portfolio is WordPress plugin that allows you to show your works easily. in the past
wc sales notification – wordpress plugin WC Sales Notification is plugin for Showing your orders or fake notification on your website. in the past
wpvivid backup mainwp – wordpress plugin WPvivid Backup MainWP enables you to create and download backups of specific child site, set backup schedules and set WPvivid Backup Plugin settings for all of your child sites from your MainWP dashboard.. in the past
aps content moderator plugin – wordpress plugin The plugin allows you to blog comments for obscene, revealing, ambiguous or offensive content using APS Content Moderator API.. in the past
mindmap to wp – wordpress plugin Plugin to make cocoon on wordpress by loading mindmap file.. in the past